Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's been a long time since I lived in close proximity to any family, but there's nothing nicer than that during the holiday season. As I type this post, I'm in the warm and buzzing living room of my dad's farmhouse, along with his wit, his best friend, and my brother and his girlfriend. There's fresh fallen deep poofy sparkling snow, the glow of lamplight, a football game and the smell of dozens of edible things being prepared to feast on. The dogs and cats are in our midst, making sure they are not overlooked in the cheerful gathering. I miss my mom and rest of the extended family, but am so happy she is where she is! 
I literally can't wait to ride again. The thought of taking 5 days off is unappealing, but I know I need a mental and physical reset. So I'll take this time to regroup, strategize and come back swinging next week. I will be starting training double time, with much exciting news there, but more about that later! Tonight is about being thankful for the abundance of love and support and good things I've encountered throughout my life. So, Kick back, relax, fill your minds and hearts with cheer and dig in! I'll leave you all with this bit of Turkey Day humor:


Step 1) Buy a turkey
Step 2) Have a glass of wine
Step 3) Stuff turkey
Step 4) Have a glass of wine
Step 5) Put turkey in oven
Step 6) Relax and have a glass of wine
Step 7) Turk the bastey
Step 8) Wine of glass another get
Step 9) Hunt for meat thermometer
Step 10) Glass yourself another pour of wine
Step 11) Bake the wine for 4 hours
Step 12) Take the oven out of the turkey
Step 13) Tet the sable
Step 14) Grab another wottle of bine
Step 15) Turk the carvey!

Thank you all for taking an interest in what I have to say. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and lots of love!

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