Saturday, January 5, 2013

She's back!

I arrived at my apartment last night (this morning) at about an exhausting day! I was quite cautious as i approached my door, fully expecting one hellacious demonized feline to hiss, spit and otherwise vocalize her disgust in my absence..i'd been told both by roommate, and my friend who looked in on her for the past two weeks that she'd turned into a satanic menace. Tigerlily is, on a good day, what you may call strange. she is quite certain she's a ninja, and gets "the zoomies" every morning and night at her set time. My friend Joey (who may have exaggerated, as she is already afraid of cats) described a howling banshee of a cat, lurking in corners and hurling herself at the intruder with teeth and claws bared. I was pretty anxious about her, as she's never been a hisser, or caused physical harm (that i know of) on other occasions that i've gone out of town. I was fairly certain it was Joey's irrational fear of 4 legged fur-people that made her describe my little sidekick as this crazy thing..though i almost wasn't surprised. However, my roommate backed up what joey had said, and told me tigerlily hissed and threatened HER as well. now i was seriously worried. TL knows my roomie, and had never been aggresive like that toward them. needless to say, i was sure that i'd scarred her for life, and she'd be this awful monster who hated me as soon as i came home. 
turns out, i opened the door and the furry fiend launched at me, but with happiness and love! poor little bugger was just about crawling out of her stripes with neglect. she was all cuddles and kisses, no spitting she-devil here. i basically melted. she apparently was just "holding down the fort" for me, and telling anyone who WASN'T myself that they better scram! rude, absolutely, but i couldn't help feeling just a little bit proud that she certainly is, a mama's girl through and through. 
on a slightly less happy note, my car now belongs to the state, until i can scrounge up a few thousand dollars (i.e never??) as it had been confiscated whilst i was on the east coast :( this is a point of deepest annoyance, mostly as it cost me my riding lesson today. LAME. who knows what i'm going to do on that front, seeing as riding is the number one reason i wished to be back in L.A. so bad in the first place!
no longer a tiny kitten, but still so cute and playful!
lastly, can someone kindly tell the weather to WARM UP?! i moved to SoCal for a be AWAY from the intense cold of northern maine. i'm still officially an icecube! i fully INSIST that it get back to 75 or higher, the normal LA winter. WHAT'S GOIN ON HERE?! hellooooo, it's called global WARMING, not global FREEZING?! jeez. 

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