Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Riding in cars

Or Lack thereof...more accurately, riding in OTHERS' cars. The fact that mine is currently residing in the impound in sunny Santa Monica is a considerable nuisance. It means that i am virtually stuck in the apartment, and at the mercy of my friends. the worst part is how mad it made my mother, and rightfully so! it's nothing but blatant lack of brainpower that put me in this situation, and there was no way to fix it unless my mom bailed me out. again. i will be "working" for her to pay it all back over the next year. God help me that i'll strike it big this year and a mere couple thousand will be nothing but pocket change!
on the upside, yesterday i spoke with Hope Hand, Executive director of the US ParaEquestrian Association! I explained who i was, and what my goals were. she was very welcoming and excited, and she also knows one of my trainers (Megan) very well. Hope said i'd have to do a qualifying show in NorCal this season, which would put me in line to compete at the WEG (World Equestrian Games) next year. They are being held in Normandie, Fr. darn, i can't believe i'll be forced to travel the world with an incredible horse!! (sarcasm, folks-get used to it!) said incredible horse is as yet, still a dream...but Hope gave me guidance on how to acquire one. I'm champing at the bit!
world Eq games, showjumping portion
It was a very good and informative conversation, not to mention encouraging. Ms. Hand seemed very positive about my next moves, and i was also informed that if i am indeed classified as Grade IV, which is my intent (IV being the "least impaired athletes, and thus the toughest competition) i will be required to compete at Prix St. Georges through Grand Prix level. this is obviously, exactly what i wish to do. God forbid i'd ever want to make life easier on myself. i have a sick obsession with challenges..the harder something is, the more convinced i am to settle for nothing less! My dad actually pokes fun at my hard-headedness, saying that once my mind is set on something i desire, NOTHING will deter me from obtaining it. le DUH!

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