Now, I've had three MASSIVE, COLOSSAL, ASTOUNDING things occur since December 1st. It's going to take quite a bit of explaining for each, so I am going to detail each development separately. I shall start with the BIGGEST and most EXCITING, and follow with the others in the next couple days.
2.I'm sponsored by Spooky Nook Sports
3. I'm sponsored by COUNTY SADDLERY (!!!!)
Ok. I will start with the obvious biggest piece-my new horse. After Thanksgiving, I was on the way back to PA with my brother and his girlfriend, thinking about the fact that it was December 1st and I still didn't have a horse to compete for the upcoming season. Brendan had told me several weeks ago that if by Dec 1 we didn't have a horse, then most likely 2016 would be unattainable. I had come to accept the thought and turn my vision then to 2020 Olympics. We were driving and I received a call from USPEA president Hope Hand, who without any lead in, said "We got you a horse!"
Insert shock/disbelief/mindblow/elation/reeling here.
She said he was from Canada Olympian Evi Strasser's Good Tyme stables, and had competed through I1 with 70%, and had been donated to Vinceremos Therapeutic Riding Center to be paired with a para equestrian, and they thought he and I would make a great match. The only other information I got from that call was that he was 16.1 Oldenburg, chestnut and dull to the leg.
The following week was rife with butterfly excitement on my part and refusal to bounce up and down with me on Brendan's. Ever the charmer, my coach airs on the side of pessimism, but who can blame him-the horse business is a crooked one after all, and we love him anyway! Luckily, he was not so disbelieving that he declined to have a look at this lead with me. Within the next week, I had us booked for a weekend jaunt to sunny S.W. Florida to follow through. Florida was, shall we say, a success? I honestly haven't the words, but let me just say that when my coach starts getting excited about something, you know it's a bit beyond phenomenal.
As if fate was quite literally shaking me by the shoulder's, the horse's name is 'Right Tyme.' He'd been imported from Germany as a preium stallion, and gelded only because he was arguing with other studs in Ms. Strasser's barn. He is sired by Royal Olymp, the second most expensive horse ever auctioned in Vechta. Royal Olymp had none other than the renowned Rubenstein as sire. Right Tyme's dam line is from Donnerhall. Take it from me, these are champion bloodlines.
What a striking horse! burnished chestnut and covered in dapples, he stands tall and alert, with a stripe down his face, 3 socks and rich burgundy mane and tail. He looks like a stallion, with an impressive crest and traditional thick Oldenburg bone. He has a very alert and maybe mischievous eye. He's certainly a head turner! Friendly as they come, this horse thrives on attention. He basically tried to crawl in my lap the first time we met!
Brendan had him perfectly figured out from the moment he mounted of course. He had him looking like a Grand Prix horse within minutes. And when I got on, I may as well have floated away. He isn't what I'd call an "easy ride," he has that stallion trait of shutting down when you apply too much pressure, and he's not the easiest to move forward. But oh my, when he goes, it's like a cloud. I felt that we never really touched the ground. This horse does't know what it is to be on the forehand, and instead, even cantering with literally zero contact, he kept his frame and his pace the entire time. I was just a passenger. I've never felt movement like that. Brendan later told me the horse rides just like his stallion, Flavius, in that they need some convincing, but he also said this boy was a stroke of pure luck. To make a long story short(er), B and I wholeheartedly jumped on the opportunity to work with this awesome horse, and after lengthy talks of strategy and next moves, agreed to bring him up north with us for bootcamp before heading south for the season in february.
We arrived home Monday after what ended up being a fun and thrilling weekend, and By Friday morning, our new partner arrived at Flintrock, where he is borrowing a blanket until I can get him some of his own because the poor thing is entirely body clipped which looks awesome but leaves him an ice pop! I hung out with him a lot today and he was an instant barn favorite. Very playful and outgoing. I am beyond excited to go to work with him monday and I have no doubts we are going to do great things! And once the princess, Clever heals up fully I will be blessed to have 2 outstanding equine partners to shine with!
I' like to take this opportunity to give ENORMOUS THANKS to Susan Guinan of Vinceremos Therapeutic Riding Center, for allowing me use of this lovely animal, Hope Hand-president of the USPEA for choosing me to pair with him, Sarah Jancik,who donated Right Tyme rather than selling him, Kelly Layne, Australian WEG team member for giving the horse years of correct and advanced training, Evi Strasser for giving Right Tyme the Right start! And, as ever, USDF gold medalist Brendan Curtis of Curtis Dressage, LLC for taking this journey with me, believing in and supporting me, and being a coach who is at the same time fantastically fun to be around, AND a cool, calculating competitor whom I entirely trust with my education. THIS IS THE BREAK I NEEDED!!! I will share the other parts of this mind boggling past couple weeks shortly.
Check out my horse with Kelly Layne up doing breathtaking Prix St. Georges!
And here you can see his lovely dapples:
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Right Tyme, indeed!! |
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